Te Rito community vaccination centre closing


Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora 



26 June 2024


Te Rito community vaccination centre closing


The COVID-19 vaccination clinic on the Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Whanganui Hospital grounds is closing.


The Te Rito vaccination team that has been serving the community across a variety of locations in the Whanganui district for the last three years will be finishing up at the Whanganui site on June 27, 2024.


It was a pleasure to work alongside the community and other providers of COVID-19 vaccinations,  Te Rito COVID-19 vaccination centre manager Jacqui Pennefather says.


Whanganui Regional Health Network District Immunisation Coordinator Sue Hina says while the pop-up COVID-19 vaccination clinics are closing, they still want the community to keep up to date with their vaccines and boosters.


“Other vaccines, including the flu vaccine, can be given at the same time at a variety of locations."


“We have lots of vaccination opportunities across our rohe. Get in touch with your Iwi provider, GP and vaccinating pharmacy.”


To check COVID vaccination locations please go to www.wrhn.org.nz for further information.


Community members can also contact their local Iwi provider or Te Oranganui on 0800 202 004 to arrange their COVID-19 or booster vaccination, along with other vaccines they are eligible for.



Media contact: hnzmedia@tewhatuora.govt.nz