SUPP Service – youth alcohol and other drug service for 12-19 year olds


SUPP is an adolescent Co-Existing Problems Service which caters to the needs of youth throughout the Whanganui District. 


SUPP is a place for 12-19 year olds to have straight up conversations around alcohol, drugs and mental wellbeing.


SUPP supports 12-19 year olds with alcohol, drug and mental wellbeing concerns. This includes working with families who have concerns about a young person and other agencies who would like support with education/awareness around mental health and addictions.


The SUPP team offers:


  • brief intervention work around alcohol, drugs and mental wellbeing
  • groupwork
  • assessment and therapeutic interventions using motivational interviewing and harm minimisation work
  • psychoeducational work on the effects of alcohol and drugs on mental wellbeing
  • consultation and liason to other professionals working with young people
  • training on brief interventions and screening tools for young people


How to contact the SUPP team


Text or phone: 


Sam: 021 192 8010

Helen: 027 290 8453

Paul: 021 903 335

Michele: 021 192 8828




SUPP referral form download here. Completed referral forms can be emailed to:


Connect through Facebook here.



If you need urgent mental health support please contact:


Maternal Infant Child Adolescent Mental Health & Addictions Service (MICAMHAS)

Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm 

Phone: 06 348 1901


Mental Health Assessment and Home Treatment (MHAHT) team

After-hours phone: 0800 653 358