Te Pae Tata interim New Zealand Health Plan 2022


Friday 28 October 2022, the official release of Te Pae Tata interim New Zealand Health Plan was announced.


Te Pae Tata can be read here.

Te Pae Tata has been developed to outline what we will do differently over the next two years to build the foundations of a sustainable and affordable, unified health system to better serve our communities.

This also includes support for, and encouragement of, greater growth in our healthcare workforce, addressing the current inequities, and improving health outcomes for all New Zealanders, but particularly Māori, Pacific people and Tāngata whaikaha/Disabled people.

Over the next two years you will see a focus on:

  • Developing better equity of health outcomes to deliver on improving pae ora for Māori, Pacific people, and Tāngata whaikaha/disabled people
  • Pae ora – Better health and wellbeing in our communities
  • Kahu Taurima – Maternity and the early years
  • Mate pukupuku – People living with cancer
  • Māuiuitanga taumaha – People living with chronic health conditions
  • Oranga hinengaro – People living with mental distress, illness and addictions


Te Pae Tata supports the implementation of the interim Government Policy Statement (iGPS), which sets the Government’s expectations on what the health sector will deliver over the next two years. 

As an interim, two-year plan, Te Pae Tata is focused on ensuring the health system continues provide care to New Zealanders, while we start to implement the improvements in the way services are delivered and work toward the first full New Zealand Health Plan. 

Our development of the first full plan, for 2024-2027, will begin shortly, and be comprehensive and widely consulted with communities. 

If you have any questions or would like to know more about Te Pae Tata interim New Zealand Health Plan, please get in touch with us at healthtepaetata@health.govt.nz 

Nā tō rourou, nā tōku rourou, ka ora ai te iwi | through your contribution and mine, the people will thrive.

Te Pae Tata for Communities


Te Pae Tata sets out the first two years of action for Te Whatu Ora and Te Aka Whai Ora as we look to build the foundations of a sustainable, affordable, unified health system to better serve our communities.

This also includes support for, and encouragement of, greater growth in our healthcare workforce, addressing the current inequities, and improving health outcomes for all New Zealanders, but particularly Māori, Pacific people and Tāngata whaikaha/disabled people.

Te Pae Tata for Ethnic Communities

Te Pae Tata for Healthy Aging

Te Pae Tata for Mental Health and Wellbeing

Te Pae Tata for Rainbow Community

Te Pae Tata for Rural Communities

Disability in Te Pae Tata