ATR Ward/Acute Stroke Unit


Ward size Visiting hours Contact details
16 beds 8am to 8pm, Monday to Sunday 06 348 1291


Our aim is to provide you and your whanau/family with the information you need, should you be a patient or visitor in our Acute Stroke Unit / Assessment, Treatment & Rehabiliation (ATR) Ward.

We have a clinical nurse manager who (Monday to Friday, 7.30am to 4pm) provides overarching leadership to support our team in providing you with the best care possible. The clinical nurse coordinator assists the manager with running the ward.

Model of care
When you are a patient or visitor in our ward you will notice that we use a ‘team nursing’ model for providing your nursing care. This includes a registered nurse or enrolled nurse, and health care assistants. The CNC (clinical nurse coordinator) for each shift coordinates and oversees the patient care delivered to you. The team caring for you will introduce themselves to you at the beginning of each shift.

Our model of care also includes input from the wider multidisciplinary healthcare team to ensure you get the best health outcomes possible. This includes doctors, physiotherapists, nurses, occupational therapists, therapy assistants, speech and language therapists, social workers, chaplains, ward receptionists and the Spotless Services staff who provide cleaning and food services. All of the team are here to care for you while you are here and on your return home.

Releasing Time to Care programme
Our AT&R Ward focuses on improving ward processes and environments to help the healthcare team to spend more time on patient care, thereby improving safety and efficiency. The Releasing Time to Care programme is being implemented in ASU/AT&R Ward.