Recovery media release #2 Community feedback assists recovery planning


29 May 2020


Post-COVID-19, the Integrated Recovery Team has created a survey for the communities of Whanganui, Rangitikei and South Ruapehu, which will assist in its understanding of people’s needs and experiences in the region.


The 16-question survey asks what worked well during the response, what could have been done better and what the lockdown experience was like for people.


It also asks whether council and health services which may have stopped during Alert Levels 3 and 4 should be reconsidered and which ones may need to change or stop, as well as any general feedback and ideas about recovery.


Recovery Manager Leighton Toy says, while face-to-face engagement with businesses and community groups remains ongoing, the Integrated Recovery Team wants general public feedback from anyone across the region who wants to have their say.


“We are guided as a recovery team about what the community needs and what we need to do collectively to get there. The feedback we get will help us plan for social, economic, health, wellness, environmental and cultural recovery,” says Mr Toy.


The link can be found at


All information collected is anonymous and will only be used for reporting and demographic information, or for following up if required.


The survey closes on Friday 12 June.


The Integrated Recovery Team is a collaborative group made up of Whanganui District Health Board, Whanganui District Council, Rangitikei District Council, Ruapehu District Council, Whanganui Regional Health Network, Te Ranga Tupua and supporting agencies.