Recovery media release #5 Recovery Team at the Markets


18 June 2020


The Integrated Recovery team (IRT), a multi-agency team helping Whanganui Regional recover post Covid-19, will be at Whanganui River Markets this Saturday, 20 June.


The IRT, which focuses on the social, economic and health recovery of the region, wants to know the most important things our communities needs to thrive, during recovery and beyond.


Recovery Manager Charlotte Almond says the team will be hard to miss as they will be wearing ‘United in Recovery’ teeshirts and will be stationed by the Civil Defence Emergency Management Whanganui caravan.


“Come and say hello, tell us what matters to you, what positives may have come out of the lockdown and the pandemic which you want you would like to see continued.


“We are also asking what things Councils, the DHB, iwi and community organisations could work together on while we are in recovery mode, but which may have long-lasting effects on our community. These could be ideas about health, communications, neighbourhood development, job creation or anything else on your mind,” says Ms Almond.  


The Integrated Recovery Team is a collaborative group made up of Whanganui District Health Board, Whanganui District Council, Rangitikei District Council, Ruapehu District Council, Whanganui Regional Health Network, iwi and supporting agencies.